Welcome Employers
Need help staffing your team?
How many employees do you need?
The Ohio Job Network team is here to help you find
qualified candidates who are dedicated to helping your
business grow.
Recruitment Services
Our services are absolutely free to qualified employers.
Contact us at 330-970-9508 Ext. 700 for more information.
We have qualified candidates ready to meet you!
Job Discovery
Our executive management team will learn more about your company, your specific employment needs and the tasks involved. We will ensure we fully understand the talents and qualifications required to perform the services you need and much more.
Talent Matching
Our team will compare your needs to the talents, qualifications and abilities of our job seeker database and pass qualified candidates information to you. If interested, you can schedule an interview.
Job Placement & Ongoing Support
Your success is our success! Therefore, our team members can assist you in potential new hire "trial periods", training your new employee, provide job coaching services or a variety of other supports needed.
Special Employment Accommodations
All of our employment services include helping clients who need reasonable accommodations obtain those accommodations so they can perform their jobs proficiently for their employers.